Where Shall We Begin?
I can hardly believe the time is here for the launch of this website and blog. I have very mixed emotions, but am stepping out in faith as I open up more of who I am to you all. After much prayer and thought, God has laid on my heart this platform for sharing my story.
Women Need Women
I truly believe that each of us are to be intertwined into the lives of others. As little girls we need women to teach and train us. As young ladies we adopt the values of those women we respect. As adult women we rely on others to understand the many stages of adulthood, and look to women who have gone before us. And as older women we are needed. In a perfect world, each of us would have a strong mother, wise grandmothers, loving aunts and cousins, and a community of women to support us. Unfortunately, this is not reality. Gone are the days in our modern culture where the extended family operates like it used to. For some the church family has stepped in and stepped up. But, for many, the gaps are wide and we are losing out on so much joy in being women.
As I reflect on my life, I see strong females at every stage. I am one of the fortunate. My Momma was a godly woman determined to raise me in the faith and the love of family. If there weren’t blood relatives in my life, there were women close by who took their places. Because of this legacy, I am “full” and desperate to share.
I have often wondered why God only gave us one child. She was long awaited, and has become more precious and priceless than I can express. Instead of more biological children, He has blessed me with countless children in my classrooms through the years, and many “second daughters.”
It is to you, my daughters, that I write this blog.
My heart’s desire is to share the joy of life through family stories, unique experiences, and devotional thoughts. I’ll pass on time-tested recipes as well as tricks I’ve learned to help me be a better daughter, friend, wife, and mother. I’ll even try to share my weaknesses and faults, and be as transparent as I can.
So, join me in this endeavor. But first, please make me a promise as you listen to my tales:
Do not compare any of my successes to your life or situation!
Remember that I was once your age, and made more mistakes than I care to recall. It is by God’s grace that I have anything to share of value. (My “younger self” would never have picked me out of a crowd.) I am who I am, and can honestly make that statement with more joy today than I could have yesterday.
God is good, all the time!