

Here I sit with coffee nearby, a view of the Pacific Ocean crashing onto the sandy beach, and my “Secret Sisters” chattering as they read the newspaper and work on their quilting projects.  This is our 15 year-old tradition of getting away for an extended weekend to sew, relax, and enjoy each other’s company.

The “SSSS–Secret Seaside Sewing Society”

was born in 2003 when the four of us decided we needed our own special getaway.  We were raising our children, working in and out of the home, and yearning for some time to do what we loved best:  quilt for hours on end.  After our first adventure, our little foursome knew that if we told others about our plans it wouldn’t be the same, and we wanted to repeat it over and over and over again.  And so, we have.  Back then we all lived in the same community, and for the first few years we were able to schedule two trips each year.  With the passing of time two of our four have moved away, and we’ve had to be content with only one long weekend per year.


So, as of now, we have enjoyed 22 “Secret Sister” adventures.  We are amazed that it’s been possible considering how our lives have changed.  Some of us/our husbands have retired, our kids have grown, and we now chat about the grandkids we have (or hope to have).

The beauty of our special friendship has blossomed over time.  When we regroup each year, we jump right back into our old conversations. We share each other’s burdens and cry with each other during the painful times.  But, best of all, we know exactly how to make each other laugh until our bellies ache.





We don’t need to impress.  We don’t always agree, but we have no reason to judge.  We have seen each other through illnesses, unemployment, family disputes, children in crisis, and countless times of joy.  We have history.  We remember.  We are connected.

In many ways we are more family than blood.




Why do I share the “secret” with you all now?  Probably to make you jealous a little bit…  Tee hee.  But most importantly, to encourage you to make time in your life and schedule for your own circle of special people.  We need sisters.  We need women who will commit to seeing us through the passing of time with an understanding and compassion that can’t always be found; it must be formed.


Sisters and daughters of mine, I urge you to make this kind of connection sooner rather than later.  Find a couple of friends with whom you share a common passion.  (Believe you me, I still get funny looks when people hear that four grown women go away with the purpose of sewing for four straight days.) Whether you are quilting, hiking, reading, cooking, scrapbooking, listening to music, or watching the waves crashing on the sand, make it happen.

These days are food for my soul, and the same will be for you.



Did I mention that we eat very well?  Yep, we do.  And, for every getaway one of us takes a turn to bring our favorite “SSSS” treat:  Carrot Cake.  It is the best recipe for carrot cake that I’ve ever tried, and I’ve been given permission by the group to share it with you.  Aren’t you lucky??!!!


Carrot Cake
Carrot Cake




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2 thoughts on “Sisters”

  • Deb Wood is my daughter and I know how much your SSSS retreats have been food for her soul. It’s wonderf that you have maintained your close friendships over the years and that you haven’t kept living in different communities keep you from your time together. So as a mother I thank you for sharing your lives and love of quilting with Deb. I pray you can continue on for many, many years.

    • Carolyn,

      Thanks so much for your comment! I have loved Deb for many years, and I’m grateful for our friendship as quilters and Sisters in Christ! She is an amazing woman, and I cherish our relationship.

      I hope to meet you one day.

      In Him,

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